Monday, April 20, 2009


Well Fertile Myrtle has now laid 3 eggs in the nest and not only that...she IS directionally challenged! She flew into the house last night rather than out to the tree and it took us (well Craig mostly, 'cause I was hiding) about 20 minutes to get her directed back outside. She perched on the dining room light fixture, then decided she really liked the top of the buffet hutch. Her sense of adventure must have taken over because she then flew into the kitchen and sat up above the refrigerator for a while, then back to the dining room. Well, you get the picture. She must not be very bright either, because we had the front door wide open and the garage door wide open and she didn't seem to like either option.

Remember the scene in Great Outdoors where John Candy and Dan Aykroyd are trying to get a bat out of their cabin with tennis rackets? We can laugh now!!

More on Saturday

Well, the rain disappeared, the soccer game was played (we won!!) and it turned out to be a beautiful Saturday after all. Emily and Megan came over for a while and watched something on Discovery Channel with Boompa before going out to play.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Soccer Saturday

What a great way to start the weekend! Emily had an 8:30 soccer game this morning (yeah, we won!!) and Megan has her game at 12:30. That is much more fun than cleaning house and doing laundry which is what I really need to do...oh well, I'll do that later. It looks like it's going to start raining at any time so that takes care of working in the yard (and maybe the 12:30 game as well).

OK, I admit I don't know much of anything about birds, but we have a finch that decided the wreath on our front door was prime real estate for building a nest and raising a family. So now, every time we open the door mama bird flies off the nest and sits in the pear tree watching us to make sure we don't disturb the eggs.

We can see 2 eggs in there now...yesterday there was only 1 but hopefully 2 is all we'll have. Craig is hoping the bird isn't directionally challenged and flies in the house by mistake instead of out to the tree!